


Tel Aviv State University, Professor of Cardiology Department

Private practice at the Top Ichilov Medical Center

Director of the Cardiac Electrophysiology Laboratory, Ichilov Medical Complex

Head of the Arrhythmia Subdivision, Cardiology Department, Ichilov Medical Complex

Brousse University in Paris (France), Professor of Cardiology

Hahnemann University in Philadelphia (USA), Professor of Cardiology

Hahnemann University in Philadelphia (USA), specialization in cardiology

University Medical School in Paris (France)

American Association of Cardiologists for Heart Rhythm Abnormalities

European Society of Cardiology

French Society of Cardiology

Israel Heart Society

William Fulbright Prize (USA)

Israel Medical Association Award

Henry Neufeld Award, first-class award

Henry Neufeld Award, second-class award

Award from the Joint Israeli-German Symposium on Clinical Cardiology

Michel Mirowski First Prize

Henry Neufeld Award, first-class award

Publications in Foreign Medical Journals:
Complete list (186):

Author’s Name: Dmitry Finkelstein