Professor Jakob Shachter

Professor Jacob Schachter

Email to Professor Schachter

The most famous Israeli oncologist, Head of the Melanoma Institute.


  • Dermato-oncology: Thanks to the latest-generation medical technologies, survival rates for skin cancer in Israel are the highest in the world.
  • Immunotherapy: Israeli experts develop and put into practice new drugs that stimulate the immune system to fight the malignant tumor.
  • The professor provides therapy for the most aggressive cancerous skin tumor, melanoma. He uses unique methods of biological therapy for metastatic melanoma.

Diseases Treated by the Physician:




Tel Aviv University, Professor at the Faculty of Medicine

медцентре Шиба

Deputy Head of the Oncology Department at Sheba Hospital

Private practice at Top Ichilov Hospital

медцентре Шиба

Director of the Ella Melanoma Research and Treatment Institute at Sheba Hospital

Deputy head of the oncology institute at Beilinson Hospital

Specialisation at Ihilov Medical Centre

Hebrew University, Faculty of Medicine

Israeli Society of Oncology

Israeli Society for Clinical Oncology and Radiation Therapy (ISCORT)


Global Melanoma Task Force (GMTF)

Commission for oncology teaching at the medical faculties in Israel (Chairman)

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