Assistant professor of Dentistry Department at the Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Head of Dental Rehabilitation Department at the Faculty of Dentistry
Assistant professor of Oral Rehabilitation Department at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
American National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, research assistant
Private practice at the Top Ichilov Clinic
Tel Aviv University, Conservative Dentistry Department, clinical instructor
Director of the training course for dental assistants in Israel Defense Forces
Faculty of Dentistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Israel Association of Oral Implantology (Chairman)
Israeli Division of the International Association for Dental Research (Chairman)
Doctor Weiss has worked in the leading clinics of Israel and the USA. He is the author of over 150 scientific publications and the owner of 15 patents for the inventions in microbiology and dentistry.
“The unique dental technologies that we have been developing for 10 years help our patients undergo any types of treatment, including the most complicated ones, with no pain and with as much comfort as possible. This is why the patient’s quality of life does not decrease during treatment.
The success rates of dental implant placement in our clinic amount to 95% in the first 5 years and exceed 90% in the following years. However, it is important to emphasize that the success of implant placement depends considerably on the patient’s discipline and their dedication to dental hygiene. Implants, like natural teeth, should be cleaned every day. Smoking also lowers the chance for successful rehabilitation after implant placement.”
Publications in Foreign Medical Journals:
Complete list (75):
Author’s Name: Dmitry Finkelstein