Lung Cancer Treatment in Israel

Профессор Офер Меримский

Ofer Merimsky


Лечение рака легких в Израиле

In 35% of cases, patients who come from the Eastern Europe for lung cancer treatment in Israel find out that their condition has been misdiagnosed.

Surgical treatment of lung cancer in Israel is based on organ-preserving procedures. Their goals are to save as much healthy lung tissue as possible and to prevent the decrease in the patient’s quality of life.

The team of specialists providing treatment for lung tumor patients consists of:

  • pulmonologists: Professor I. Ben-Dov, Doctor Y. Schwartz;
  • thoracic surgeon: Professor Y. Paz;
  • medical oncologist: Professor O. Merimsky and other specialists.

Lung Cancer Diagnosis Program In Top Ichilov

First Day: Initial examination of the patient

Initial appointment: examination of the patient, consultation, health history in Hebrew, preparation of medical documents, referrals for testing and instrumental studies by Doctor I. Molchanov. Tissue samples on slides and/or paraffin blocks are immediately sent to the laboratory for revision.

*The patient must bring to Israel a medical document identifying the slides/blocks.

Second Day: Diagnostic procedures

Laboratory testing evaluates the function of internal organs, detects diseases and helps the doctor make a precise diagnosis. With the help of a medical coordinator-interpreter the patient undergoes:

  • complete blood count and blood biochemistry tests;
  • urinalysis;
  • tumor marker blood test;
  • PET/CT.
Treatment in Israel

Third Day: Treatment protocol

Summary of the examination results and cancer treatment planning in Israel is provided by specialists:

  • medical oncologist: Professor O. Merimsky;
  • thoracic surgical oncologist: Professor Y. Paz;
  • radiation oncologist: Doctor D. Matseevski.

The final consultation with Doctor I. Molchanov is dedicated to the review of examination results and prescriptions according to the treatment protocol.

Fourth Day: Start of treatment in accordance with Professor Merimsky’s protocol.

Length of staying in Israel for complete examination: 3-4 working days. Price: $3345.

Comprehensive telemedicine package for lung cancer treatment: $590.

✓ Right Now: Get your free consultation with a Top Ichilov physician

It is important to correctly determine the type of the disease before starting treatment in the country of residence. Consult an Israeli physician right now, free of charge. Find out the prices for the necessary diagnostic procedures in Top Ichilov.

What Are The Benefits Of Lung Cancer Treatment In Israel?

  1. Use of PET/CT for lung cancer detection. Positron emission tomography (PET) combined with computed tomography (CT) is a common diagnostic procedure in Israel and is used nationwide. PET/CT detects malignant tumors in their formation stage. This method also helps detect metastases and identify their location.
  2. Treatment in accordance with genetic mutations. Lung cancer diagnosis in Israel includes testing for mutations in EGFR, KRAS, ALK genes. The results help select biologic therapy drugs that are effective against tumors of this type. Biologic treatment is more potent and causes fewer side effects in comparison with chemotherapy.
  3. Personalized approach to treatment. When treating lung cancer, an Israeli physician may diverge from one treatment program and combine several protocols considering the patient’s situation and the progression of the disease.
  4. Consultations with physicians all over the world. When making important decisions, an Israeli specialist usually consults with colleagues, including doctors of related specialties. If necessary, he may also turn to doctors from other Western countries for advice.

Physicians Treating Lung Cancer In Top Ichilov

Lung cancer treatment and diagnosis in Top Ichilov is provided by leading Israeli oncologists:

Профессор Офер Меримский

Professor Ofer Merimsky – Israel top doctor, world-class expert in treatment of sarcomas, malignant growths in the lungs. Head of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumor Subdivision. Directs a multidisciplinary team that offers modern treatment programs.


Professor Issahar Ben-Dov – one of the leading oncologists, specialist both in lung disease diagnosis and treatment and pulmonary rehabilitation.

Доктор Ирина Стефански

Doctor Irina Stefanski – oncologist, Head of Chemotherapy Department, Deputy Head of Oncology Division. Professional experience in oncology: about 27 years. One of the best experts in comprehensive lung cancer therapy in Israel.

Doctor Yehuda Schwartz – one of the leading Israeli pulmonologists, specialist in respiratory medicine. Heads the Department of the Ichilov Medical Center. Treats lung diseases in adults and children.

Lung Cancer Treatment Methods In Israel

If you were diagnosed with lung cancer, your doctor will determine the best treatment strategy considering:

  • stage and type of lung cancer;
  • lung comorbidities (chronic bronchitis or emphysema);
  • potential treatment side effects;
  • patient’s overall health.

Surgery For Lung Cancer

Professor Y. Paz, the Top Ichilov thoracic surgical oncologist, uses state-of-the-art, personalized lung surgery techniques, including minimally invasive procedures.

Like any surgery in Israel, lung cancer operations are only successful when performed by specialists with extensive experience in this sphere.

Surgery is rarely indicated for small cell lung cancer because this type of cancer spreads quickly to other tissues and organs and is infrequently seen in its earlier stages when the cancer cells remain in the lungs only.

The most common surgical procedures for lung cancer offered in Top Ichilov include:

  • Wedge resection – removal of the lung tissue slice affected by cancer;
  • Lobectomy – removal of the lung lobe affected by the tumor;
  • Segmentectomy or segmental resection – removal of the segment, or part of lobe, affected by cancer;
  • Pneumonectomy – removal of the entire lung;
  • Bronchial sleeve resection.

Additionally, the surgeon often removes lymph nodes for further microscopic evaluation. This helps determine whether the patient needs more treatment after surgery.

Lung cancer surgery

Other Types of Lung Surgery in Israel

Sometimes surgery is required to solve problems caused by lung cancer itself or by complications of cancer therapy. In these cases, doctors use:

  • Laser surgery to open the airways;
  • Endobronchial stenting to leave the airways open;
  • Cryosurgery to freeze and destroy cancer tissues;
  • Surgical drains to remove excessive pleural fluid.

A lung cancer treatment protocol often combines several methods: surgery and chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy, and other combinations.

Chemotherapy and radiation therapy may be used:

  • Prior to surgery in order to shrink the tumor;
  • After surgery in order to destroy circulating cancer cells that could remain in the body.

Radiation Therapy For Lung Tumors

New radiation therapy methods and our doctors’ skills help achieve the best anti-cancer effect by means of concentrating beams on the tumor with the least impact on healthy cells.

Radiation therapy may be combined with chemotherapy and/or surgery.

Lung cancer in Israel is treated with the following methods:

  • 3D conformal radiation therapy. The combination of several beams coming from different sources significantly reduces radiation exposure and protects nearby tissues while giving maximum impact in the target point.
  • Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). The patient undergoes simulation (3D tumor model development) prior to the procedure. Irradiation depends on the form of the tumor.


Top Ichilov offers state-of-the-art, effective chemotherapy options in Israel. Chemotherapy often serves as the main method of treating non-small cell lung cancer or widespread disease.

Lung cancer may be treated with about 60 different chemotherapy agents. The choice of drugs depends on the type of tumor, stage of the disease, and other factors. Most doctors recommend cisplatin, docetaxel, gemcitabine, carboplatin, vinorelbine.

For small cell lung cancer, chemotherapy (in combination with radiation therapy) is used even in the earlier stages of the disease. In later stages of non-small cell lung cancer, chemotherapy is often considered the main type of treatment. It increases survival rates and improves the quality of life.

Non-small cell lung cancer is treated with adjuvant chemotherapy which is used after surgery to destroy micrometastases of the tumor. According to the statistics, adjuvant chemotherapy in stages 2 and 3 of lung cancer increases the 5-year survival rate by 5%.

Top Ichilov Clinic

Neoadjuvant therapy is used before surgery. Its goal is to shrink the tumor so it can be removed more easily.

As a rule, the patient is treated with a combination of drugs that are either administered intravenously (as an infusion) or swallowed as pills. Lung cancer treatment usually involves intravenous infusions. Drugs are administered in cycles. After each cycle, the patient rests for 2-3 weeks so that their body could recuperate. The dosage of drugs is selected personally for every patient.

Targeted Therapy For Lung Cancer

Top Ichilov is one of the few cancer centers in the country that can offer targeted therapy for some types of lung cancer.

These innovative drugs stop the cancer cells from growing by means of interacting with certain proteins and receptors in the blood vessels feeding the tumor.

Photodynamic Therapy

A photosensitive substance is injected into the patient’s body. It is mainly absorbed by cancer cells. The drug is activated with the help of a laser that destroys malignant cells.

This type of therapy is generally used for small tumors and for treating cancer symptoms.

The clinic guarantees high-quality lung cancer treatment since the Top Ichilov Medical Center employs the best and the most experienced Israeli specialists; true professionals that would do everything possible to cure you from cancer.

What Is The Cost Of Lung Cancer Treatment In Israel?

ProcedurePrice, $
Surgical removal of the tumorInquire about the price
Bronchoscopy + biopsy5042
Consultation with an oncologist640
RapidArc radiation therapy (1 field)303

Contact The Top Ichilov Medical Center

  1. Call the clinic right now: +972-37621629
  2. Or fill in the form below. Our doctor will contact you within 2 hours.

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