Circumcision in Israel

Мацкин Хаим

Haim Matzkin


Head of Urology Department

Circumcision in Israel

Circumcision is a resection (removal) of the foreskin, or the skin covering the tip of the penis. Circumcision in Israel is performed both for religious and medical purposes. From the urologic point of view, circumcision has the following advantages:

  • Urologic infections in infants reduced 12 times;
  • Risk of penile cancer development reduced 3 times;
  • Decreased risk of uterine cancer in the circumcised man’s long-term partner;
  • Simplified hygiene that helps avoid foul-smelling discharge accumulating under the foreskin.

Besides, there exist rather rare medical indications for circumcision. They include:

  • Narrowing of the foreskin (phimosis);
  • Inflammatory conditions of the glans (balanitis).

Worldwide, about 33% of men undergo circumcision. According to the Israeli tradition, circumcision is performed in newborn babies when they are 8 days old. In other countries, this procedure is carried out later in life.

How Circumcision Is Done?

Medical circumcision can be carried out in different ways. Here are some of them:

  • Plastibell sleeve technique. This option consists in the use of a sterile plastic device resembling a bell with a handle. The surgeon makes a vertical incision in the foreskin, slips the “bell” onto the tip of the penis and tears its handle off to leave a ringlike part on the glans. This ring separates the foreskin which is then cut off. The ring stays on the penis for 7-10 days. Then, it falls off by itself. This type of circumcision is usually recommended for children.
  • Dorsal slit. This method is mostly used for phimosis. The doctor first marks the penis by drawing the line of the subsequent circumcision. The foreskin is pulled back and fixed with 2 clamps. Then, the doctor makes a dorsal incision on the foreskin and cuts it off along the line. The incision is then sutured and bandaged.
  • Circular resection. The doctor removes the foreskin by making 2 circular incisions. This method has an advantage: a lower risk of bleeding.
Top Ichilov Clinic

Newborns are operated on under local anesthesia. In older children and adults, surgery may be done either under local anesthesia (using injections and sprays) or under general anesthesia depending on indications and the patient’s wishes. The surgical intervention takes about 20 minutes.

After surgery, the patient usually stays at the hospital for a few hours of monitoring. He is then discharged from the clinic.

Post-circumcision recovery takes 8-10 days. At first, there appears a penile edema which gradually recedes. After surgery, the patient is prescribed painkillers for a few days. For the first few days, any hygiene-related procedures should be carried out with care.

Advantages Of Treatment In Israel

  1. Israeli urologists’ extensive experience in performing circumcision. Due to national traditions, urologists in Israel perform thousands of circumcision procedures. This is why the quality of these procedures is virtually perfect, and the risk of complications is next to zero.
  2. Knowledge of the specifics of operating on children. Since most circumcision procedures in Israel are performed in little children, Israeli physicians have mastered this surgical technique to perfection. The parents can rest assured: their child is not going to feel any pain.
  3. No language barrier. About one half of Israeli nurses know the English language. About one third of the Top Ichilov physicians also speak English. This makes treatment in Israel more preferable than medical tourism in Western Europe where not speaking the national language may become a serious issue and a source of discomfort.
  4. Opportunity to visit Israel without a visa for the citizens of most post-Soviet states. Patients may arrive for treatment at Top Ichilov at any time, even the very next day after signing the contract with the clinic. Besides, the patient can take any companions with them without having to compile too many documents.

Physicians Who Perform Circumcision At Top Ichilov


Doctor Gal Keren-Paz, leading specialist of Urology Department, work experience: over 20 years. Specializes in performing circumcision in children and adults. Member of professional medical associations in Israel and the USA. Gained experience at the world’s leading medical centers.

Профессор Юза Хен

Professor Yuza Hen, urologist with over 30 years of work experience. Worked at the largest medical centers in Israel and Great Britain. Was repeatedly included into the list of Israel’s best physicians according to the Forbes Magazine.

Профессор Яаков Бен-Хаим

Professor Jacob Ben-Chaim, pediatric urologist, work experience: about 40 years. Performs the circumcision procedure in children of any age. Member of the Israeli and American Urological Associations. Worked at the leading medical centers in the USA and Israel.

Prices For Circumcision In Israel And Other Countries

Below, we present average prices for circumcision in US dollars.

Urological examination before the procedure560500600
Circumcision in adults (any technique)152725903400
Circumcision in children152724303000

How To Get Treated In Top Ichilov

  1. Call the clinic right now: +972-37621629
  2. Or fill in the form below. Our doctor will contact you within 2 hours.

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