Prostatitis Treatment in Israel

The examination program for prostatitis in Top Ichilov is scheduled for 3 days and costs $1,707.
Prostatitis treatment in Top Ichilov is provided by an experienced urologist, Professor Haim Matzkin.
Drug therapy: fourth-generation fluoroquinolones, 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, antidepressants (pregabalin), sildenafil and tadalafil to restore sexual function, alpha-blockers doxazosin, terazosin, alfuzosin, tamsulosin, silodosin.
Physical therapy: extracorporeal shock wave therapy, laser therapy, magnet therapy, therapeutic ultrasound, electrophoresis, pulse dosed vacuum gradient therapy.
Surgical treatment: partial transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP).
Day 1: Initial Examination
At the initial stage, the doctor takes complete health history, asks questions and examines the patient (including examination of the prostate through the rectum). The doctor also develops an individual plan for further testing and refers the patient for all kinds of studies.
Days 2-3: Diagnosis
At the next stage, the patient undergoes complete examination accompanied by a medical coordinator-interpreter.
Laboratory tests:
- Comprehensive blood and urine tests (detection of the inflammation in the body).
- Prostatic fluid test, prostatic secretion culture with further testing of sensitivity to various antibiotics.
- Blood and prostatic fluid tests for sexual infections (if required).
- Urine culture (only when it’s necessary to exclude inflammation in the urinary tract).
- Blood test for the PSA tumor marker. PSA stands for “prostate-specific antigen”. PSA levels rise both in clinically apparent and asymptomatic prostatitis. They are also used to assess the effectiveness of treatment. In the Top Ichilov Clinic, prostate-specific antigen test is repeated in 3 months after treatment: within this time interval, PSA levels normalize. This indicates complete elimination of the inflammation.
- Transperineal prostate biopsy (tissue sampling) is done in extremely rare cases to detect difficult-to-culture microbes and exclude prostate cancer.

Instrumental methods:
- Transrectal pelvic ultrasound. TRUS (the probe is inserted into the rectum) helps visualize the signs of prostatitis: fibromuscular layers of the gland, peripheral and central prostate zones and their inner structure. TRUS also detects prostate abscesses, calcification and dilation of the seminal vesicles.
- Color duplex ultrasound is done to visualize the blood flow and check the hemodynamics of the vessels in the prostate area.
- The circadian rhythm of urine production, uroflowmetry and residual urine volume are measured in long-term, or chronic, prostatitis.
Day 3: Treatment Planning
The patient consults with Professor H. Matzkin, the leading specialist in urologic surgery and oncology, member of the American and European Association of Urology. The treatment protocol is based on the examination results.
Duration of staying in Israel for examination and treatment planning: 3-4 days. Price for diagnosis and treatment of prostatitis in Israel: $1,707.
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- Advanced diagnostic methods that help detect cancer in prostatitis patients. Chronic prostatitis often serves as a disguise for early-stage prostate cancer. The high qualification of Israeli physicians and state-of-the-art equipment are the essence of the complex and personalized approach to the diagnosis of this disease. Specialists use the following modern methods of diagnosis:
- Targeted biopsy
- Doppler ultrasound of the prostatic vascular bed
- Examination of the prostatic ducts
These help the Israeli doctors successfully detect early-stage prostate cancer.
- Minimally invasive surgery. If necessary, prostatitis is treated with endoscopic surgery performed through the small incisions in the abdomen. Israel has accumulated vast experience of endoscopic surgery.

Professor Haim Matzkin, highly qualified urologist, heads the Department of Urology and coordinates its practice. Was one of the first to use brachytherapy for prostate cancer in Israel. Author of over 160 scientific publications. Was included into the list of the best Israeli urologists in 2019 according to the “Forbes” magazine.

Professor Yuza Hen, urologist-andrologist, sexual health specialist with over 40 years of work experience, head of erectile dysfunction treatment clinic. Winner of Israel Association of Urology and Israeli Society for Sexual Medicine awards. Specializes in medical treatment of prostate conditions, including inflammatory diseases.

Doctor Avi Beri, specialist in endoscopic urology, work experience: about 20 years. Lecturer at the Tel Aviv University Department of Urology. Specializes in open and endoscopic surgery and operates on the bladder, ureters, kidneys, adrenal glands, and prostate gland.

Doctor Leon Agulyansky, urologic surgeon with over 35 years of work experience. Author of 2 monographs and a popular science book on prostate conditions. Has patents for inventions in urology. Performs open and minimally invasive surgery, operates on the bladder and other organs of the male reproductive system, and carries out prostate biopsy.
The Top Ichilov Clinic’s urologists order complex treatment in Israel based on the results of examination. The main goals of therapy:
- Elimination of the infection;
- Improvement of the blood supply to the prostate.
The treatment methods are selected individually considering the condition characteristics (form, stage, course of the inflammatory response), patient’s age, complications and pre-existing conditions.
For acute prostatitis associated with a specific germ, doctors use antimicrobial drugs:
- Antibacterial;
- Antitrichomonal;
- Antiviral.
These drugs are also used in chronic infections and latent prostate inflammation. Sometimes, they are used in trial therapy for noninfectious inflammatory prostatitis. Antimicrobial drugs are necessary because they can also prevent urethritis associated with prostatitis and such complications as epididymitis, vesiculitis, and male infertility.
The choice of medication depends on the results of sensitivity tests. The scheme and dosage are tailored to the patient’s overall health and resistance.
In patients with severe acute inflammation, antibiotics are administered parenterally. In some cases, antibiotics are administered directly into the gland.
Antimicrobial treatment takes at least 2 weeks. Patients are also prescribed detoxification and anti-inflammatory therapy. Additionally, experts recommend restorative treatment:
- Soft-tissue therapy;
- Vitamin complex;
- Antioxidants and drugs that improve microcirculation.
Antibacterial therapy is insufficient for chronic prostatitis. This is why patients are also prescribed pathogenetic treatment. If there are signs of obstruction, physicians recommend alpha-blockers.

NSAIDs are used for apparent inflammation; alpha-reductase inhibitors – for prostate enlargement; heparinoids – for prevailing pain in the bladder area and primary urination issues.
Another part of pathogenetic treatment is represented by immune correction. Immunomodulators increase the activity of the immune system, improve antibiotic therapy results and prevent recurrence.
Patients with the chronic pelvic pain syndrome or degenerative-dystrophic prostatitis are prescribed medication that helps eliminate the pain:
- Analgetics;
- Alpha-blockers;
- Antispasmodic drugs.
Symptomatic therapy is used to improve the patient’s condition and may include antispasmodic medication, painkillers and psychotropic drugs. Chronic disease is sometimes treated with physical therapy (laser therapy, magnet therapy, therapeutic ultrasound and electrophoresis improve blood flow in the pelvic area).
Surgical treatment is only used if complications arise. Possible complications include bladder neck stenosis and urethral stricture. If bladder drainage is required, it is performed with a suprapubic or urethral catheter. Calcification and prostatic sclerosis are eliminated during minimally invasive surgical procedures including electrosurgical and endoscopic interventions. Prostate abscess requires drainage of the purulent foci in the gland.
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy
Previously, this method was used in urology to treat kidney stones and chronic pelvic pain. However, research shows that extracorporeal shock wave therapy reduces inflammation and promotes tissue regeneration in prostatitis patients.
Treatment involves use of infrasound, low-frequency waves directed straight at the prostate gland.
How To Receive Prostatitis Treatment In Top Ichilov
- Call the clinic right now: +972-37621629
- Or fill in the form below. Our doctor will contact you within 2 hours.

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