Доктор Ирина Стефански, онколог

Doctor Irina Stefanski

Email to Doctor Stefanski


Oncologist, Head of Chemotherapy Department, Deputy Head of the Department of Oncology.


  • Head of Chemotherapy Department. Specializes in breast cancer, gastrointestinal tumors and other cancers. Provides both systemic and targeted chemotherapy.

Diseases Treated by the Physician:





Specialization in Ichilov Medical Center

Residency as a medical oncologist in Prof. M. Inbar’s department, Ichilov Clinic, Department of Oncology, Tel Aviv University

Госпиталь им. Андерсона в Хьюстоне

Specialization in oncology, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA


Head of Chemotherapy Department in Ichilov Medical Center


Chief Physician of the Department of Oncology in Ichilov Medical Center

Израильское общество онкологии и радиотерапии

Israel Cancer Association


American Society of Clinical Oncology


European Society for Medical Oncology


Israeli Medical Association

Doctor Irina Stefanski’s professional experience in oncology: about 27 years. She is considered one of the leading specialists in complex cancer therapy.

Breast cancer is diagnosed very often and is widely discussed in mass media. Many women come to us fearing their potential diagnosis and impending treatment. I carry out the examination and order initial therapeutic procedures.

In my opinion, during the initial consultation, the doctor should explain all available treatment methods to the patient and let them decide on their future treatment for themselves.

Thanks to active research, we can offer advanced preoperative therapy, including intraoperative radiation therapy.

This innovative method helps replace 30-35 breast radiation therapy sessions with a single procedure that lasts from 10 to 15 minutes. During the procedure, radiation affects only the cancerous tissues and not the entire breast. Intraoperative radiation therapy is carried out during a surgical intervention. After the procedure, most patients do not require additional treatment. Still, some women may have subsequent chemotherapy.

Lung cancer is one of the most dangerous types of cancer. However, nowadays it is much more treatable than in the past. When a lung cancer patient consults me, I am ready to help them walk this uneasy path and realize that there is hope.

Many treatment methods increase survival and the quality of life.

I adhere to the principles of personalized medicine and select the drugs that will be most effective and yet least harmful to the healthy tissues. Today, we have a better understanding of cancer biology and human genome.

The understanding of the tumor genome helps us develop targeted drugs. These drugs affect the genes promoting cancer growth. Now, we can stop the abnormal process.”

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