

Private practice at the Top Ichilov Medical Center

Head of Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Ichilov Medical Center

Physician of the Department of Pediatrics, Beilinson Medical Center in Petah Tikva

Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles (USA), specialization in pediatric intensive care and pediatric pulmonology

Royal Brompton Hospital at the National Heart and Lung Institute in London (Great Britain), specialization in pediatrics

Beilinson Medical Center in Petah Tikva (Israel), specialization in pediatrics

Tel Aviv State University, Faculty of Medicine

Israeli Pediatric Association

Israeli Association of Pediatric Pulmonology

Israeli Association of Pediatric Intensive Care

American Thoracic Society

Israel Sleep Research Society

European Respiratory Society

European Society for the Study and Prevention of Infant Death
“Asthma is a reversible respiratory disease. It causes coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Asthma attacks happen due to various triggers. They include allergies, common cold, cold weather, exercise, and stress. Any of these events can lead to an asthma attack. Moreover, asthma is a multifactorial condition. This means that it develops not only due, let us say, infection, but also due to the environment and heredity.
How do we detect asthma? Asthma is a clinical diagnosis. Certain tests help us determine the type of the disease, but there are no specific tests for asthma.
Again, asthma is a clinical diagnosis. If your child has the corresponding symptoms that respond to asthma therapy, the diagnosis can be deemed official. If the therapy does not help, alternative options should be considered. Your child may have a different condition.
When the parent should suspect their child has asthma? If your child coughs, wheezes or feels short of breath without a common cold or after exercise (when the peers have no such symptoms), consult a pediatric pulmonologist.”

Publications in Foreign Medical Journals:
Complete list (82):

Author’s Name: Dmitry Finkelstein